We don’t treat symptoms, we get to the root cause. We help the great grow.


Our approach is integrated and sophisticated, rooted in physiology and neuroscience.

We work from the inside out – starting with energy and emotions – because it’s impossible to deliver real change unless you fix the core of who we are and what really drives us.

We have a map and a play book that enables us to unlock new levels of capability in leaders, teams and organisations.


Our approach is radical.

1. We go deeper
We go well beyond the symptoms that you may be experiencing.
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We forensically identify and then transform the deep drivers of dysfunction. We unleash your true potential and take you to levels you did not realise you were capable of.

2. We are broad
Our approach is multi-dimensional, integral and evolutionary.
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We literally upgrade the human operating system, the cultural operating system and your strategic capability.

3. We deliver ROI
We measure progress and deliver ROI.
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Change is visible, fast, enjoyable and sustainable.


Accurately measure what matters.
Academically robust and actionable assessments.

Complete Energy Audit

The Complete Energy Audit is an objective 24-hour assessment of an individual’s physiology and emotional state during a normal working day.

We gather data using non-invasive heart monitoring technology, salivary hormonal profiling and completion of an online emotional and social intelligence questionnaire. All monitoring is confidential and is reviewed by qualified medical professionals.

Our Complete Energy Audit:

  • Quantifies key aspects of a leader’s physiology, energy and performance during a normal working day
  • Provides objective evidence on levels of motivation, endurance, efficiency and recuperation powers
  • Reveals key obstacles that may impair performance and immunity to change.
  • Provides data on sleep quality and the impact of any excessive travel or body clock impairments

Complete Values Profile

The primary drivers of team behaviour are the individual and collective values and beliefs. And of these two, values tend to be more powerful determinants than beliefs. In addition, many of the tensions that occur in teams, and are mistakenly thought to be due to personality clashes, are actually the result of differences in value systems.

The Complete Values Profile questionnaire precisely defines which of the eight value systems an individual leader, team, division or organisation operates from. Specifically it identifies:

  • A leader’s strategic, operational and managerial motivations
  • Whether a leader’s values suit the challenges they face
  • How authentic a leader may be as well as their strengths and blind spots
  • Whether a leader tends to recruit in their own image or look for people that compliment their own capabilities

Complete Team Energy Grid

Even the most talented and developed groups or teams struggle to deliver if they cannot gel and work together effectively.

The Complete Team Energy Grid quantifies the energetic impact team members have on each other and provides objective, anonymous data to help guide leaders and teams on how to overcome difficult team dynamics that may be inhibiting performance. Specifically the Complete Team Energy Grid:

  • Helps individual leaders understand their energetic impact on their peers
  • Clarifies the adjustment a leader may need to make to invigorate the team
  • Identifies how close to the high performing zone the team is
  • Helps build team spirit and teams that can inspire others and are productive

Complete Behavioural Report

Behaviours are the final common pathway to change. Our Complete Behavioural Report is based on the most widely used leadership behavioural research in the world  conducted by our own Senior Practitioner Chris Parry and Dr Tony Cockerill.

The Complete Behavioural Report combines 360 degree feedback from peers with observation or interviews conducted by one of our highly trained behavioural experts. Results are precise, informative and benchmarked against a global database.

The Complete Behavioural Report provides:

  • Clear developmental steps for leaders on how to improve the 11 critical leadership behaviours
  • Commercial global benchmarks that reveal whether their behaviours are consistent with seniority
  • A framework for how to leverage capabilities
  • A route map for continuous improvement

Complete Network Analysis

How organisations get work done bears little relationship to reporting lines and org’ charts. The Complete Network Analysis can reveal how your business really functions. It can tell you how siloed and hierarchical your system is and whether echo chambers are restricting collaboration and growth.

The Complete Network Analysis takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can be used to:

  • Identify which employees are performing well above expectations and who may be disengaged or under utilised
  • Discover who the organisational change agents are in your company
  • Reveal the people who bridge and broker divisions and relationships across your organisation
  • Predict attrition, the consequences and how you may be able to prevent the loss of key staff
  • Find out where there may be wellbeing or stress hot spots and who your wellbeing champions may be
  • Know where to focus to accelerate the performance of your  leadership teams
  • Support leaders with insights into how to step change the performance of a division or function

Complete Team Development Index

Measuring a team’s current level of development is the critical starting point for successful team transformation. The Complete Team Development Index benchmarks a leadership team’s level of capability (out of nine levels) against the six critical success factors.

The Complete Team Development Index can be repeated to quantify a team’s progress as a result of development. It helps guide the team journey to unlock new levels of capability and step change performance. Specifically the Complete Team Development Index identifies:

  • The level of team development and the potential for progress
  • The pathways for the team to accelerate their performance
  • Confidential views of team members on the team’s capabilities and challenges
  • The specific dynamics that need to be addressed to drive the organisation forward


We work with great companies that understand that their most valuable asset is their people.

Our work enabled the Tesco’s leadership team to achieve 10 years of developmental progress in just 18 months.
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In 2017, the Central Europe (CE) businesses of a major UK retailer were in urgent need of leadership team improvement and a rapid turnaround.

The Linde Group
Sue Graham Johnston, Head of RBU UK/Ireland/Africa at the Linde Group wanted to enhance the performance of her senior leadership team.
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Alongside some personal coaching, Sue established a two-year Complete Senior Leadership Team Journey programme with her senior leadership team at Linde.

The combination of objective data and effective coaching conversations allowed this CEO to defeat his greatest internal enemies.
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With more energy, Doug found that he could was more aware of how he was using and losing energy, and this enabled him to use his energy in the right way – to focus on his performance.